I wonder what kind of judge Brett Kavanaugh is?  I mean, he does understand that the legal system is set up to look for the truth, doesn’t he?  The Judge seems to think if he denies the allegations of sexual misconduct aimed at him that should be the end of the discussion.  And he calls himself a judge?

By that line of reasoning we should go visit inmates in jail and ask them “Are you innocent or guilty?”  All those who say they never did anything wrong should be let go immediately based on their word.  Or is that why the legal-political system conducts investigations and establishes standards for evidence?

Maybe the Judge is telling the truth and maybe he isn’t, but one thing is for sure: sweeping allegations under the rug won’t work.  When the allegations are serious, as these are, there must be an investigation.  When the accusers are credible, as these are, there must be an investigation.

The counter-accusation of a “vast left-wing conspiracy” is ridiculous and falls utterly flat, inviting disbelief at the inane ineptitude of it all.  Wanting to get to the truth should be reason enough to go forward.  Why is the Judge’s word any more believable than Dr. Ford’s?

It is absurdly insulting to even hint that the woman must be making up her story but the man is not capable of lying about what happened!  Maybe a crazy woman who is mentally unbalanced with a long history of fraudulent acts, but a professor of psychology at Stanford?  Get real!

And it’s not just one woman any longer; its “accusers” in the plural.

The accusers have supporting witness testimony regarding the drunken parties attended by Brett Kavanaugh and his friend Mark Judge in which an atmosphere was created that both tolerated and encouraged sexual assaults on the women present.  That truth is coming out slowly but surely.

Kavanaugh missed an important lesson in our history; Americans are charitable and tend to forgive those who come clean but those who lie to cover up their misdeeds are not forgiven so readily.

In the past year or two we’ve seen captains of industry, entertainment, and politics trying to lie their way out of similar situations, only to resign, get fired, or criminally charged.

“America’s dad”, Bill Cosby, is about to be sentenced to jail.  “Oh no”, he couldn’t possibly have drugged and raped all those women . . . but that’s apparently exactly what happened.  The “Me, Too” Movement is uncovering many examples of how rich and powerful men got away with sexual assaults for years.

Of course they always all deny it for as long as they can . . . until too many women come forward or there is testimony and evidence produced to support the accusations.  Suspects routinely deny committing any crimes or immoral acts, don’t they?

Men in expensive suits accused of sexual assault are no different.  They likewise will deny any assault, crime, or other immoral act . . . but the truth has a way of breaking through to the light, doesn’t it?

It’s par for the course these days.  The Judge and his cronies in the GOP are trying to sweep the new accusations under the rug while they minimize and belittle the accusers.  That’s not a fair, objective, and impartial legal sense of fair play by any stretch of the imagination.

As a Judge, Brett Kavanaugh should know better!

If he didn’t have the moral rectitude to enter into a loving friendship with a woman when he was in high school, that should give us pause.  If he didn’t have the conscience or virtue to treat women with respect as his equal, that should give us pause as well.

And if he still chooses to lie about what happened–which seems the most likely explanation–then we have to question his ability as a judge and his honesty as a human being.  How could we ever trust him to develop the insight and empathy on cases where understanding the human predicament is vital?

How can such a man be trusted to rule fairly and intelligently on cases involving women if he comes from a male chauvinist background that objectified, sexualized, and mistreated women to gratify his own sexual impulses?

If he couldn’t be an open and trusting friend to women in high school, his values were screwed up and immoral, if not to say criminal.  Given this background—drunk at frat-like parties and on the prowl for forceful sexual conquest—we must ask: what are his real values and beliefs today?

Beneath the polite and well-rehearsed answers, what does Brett Kavanaugh really believe and feel?

A man who can be accused of engaging in drunken and lewd behavior, including sexual assault, is not made of the right moral caliber to become a judge on the United States Supreme Court.