This is to inform you, Gov. Brewer, that you are banned from my classroom for the following reasons:

  • For beliefs and actions contrary to the spirit of academic freedom;
  • For beliefs and actions contrary to the spirit of American democracy, the free exchange of ideas, and the rights of freedom of speech and other individual liberties found in the Constitution of the United States of America;
  • For beliefs and actions pandering to just one group, particularly the most prejudiced white people in your state, of which there are plenty;
  • For substituting personal bias for your obligation to represent all the people of your state in a fair and impartial manner.

For these reasons, you are being banned. We hope you can understand why as it is for your own good since such beliefs and actions have no place in an academic classroom.

We also hope and trust that the good people of Arizona will consider starting a petition drive to recall you from your high political office so the state of Arizona can change course and cease its trajectory towards becoming the #1 laughingstock of the country.

Arizona-style ignorance, racism, and academic bigotry simply have no place in our country in the 21st century, given our vast diversity of peoples and cultures, as well as our historic and on-going commitment to preserve and expand a democratic America!