“A faith is a necessity to a man.  Woe to him who believes in nothing.”

(this saying got me so mad that even my eyebrows were seeing purple!)

Small-minded people may think so but religious faith is not at all necessary in the life of a human being.  Not believing in God does not equate to believing in nothing.

One can believe in people, progress, humanity, truth, love, compassion, human reason, science, democracy and all the many other virtues of human beings.  We try to understand them in their proper context: i.e., their development and expression through a multitude of diverse social and cultural forms around the world.

These virtues and values found across all fields of human endeavor are not “nothing.”  They are “something”—and, indeed, for some of us “poor benighted fools” they are everything!

We atheists believe in things that are real, an advantage that will never erode or lessen no matter how many eons may ebb and flow!

There is perhaps a higher faith than that defined by theology: faith in knowledge, science, and reasonable belief–faith in oneself and in one’s fellow human beings!