A Question of Prejudice?  Immigrants Go Home!

Speech before the Ruling Council

Are you tired of all these illegal immigrants the way I am?  I think they have some nerve! They leave the country where they were born and come to America because they believe things will be so much easier for them here.  Do they ever think about the people already here?

They come to this land thinking they can do anything they want.  They don’t have to care about the culture or customs or laws of the people already living here.  Sure, maybe they were sick of the oppression and poverty in the old country but does that give them a right to come here?

Maybe they should think about staying where they were born and try to fix the problems of their own societies instead of coming here and creating more problems than before.

You know, my brothers and sisters, the ways of the illegal aliens are way different from our own.  They don’t live like we do; they don’t have the same values and beliefs.  We know how to keep ourselves and our homes clean; they are dirty to us.  They bring guns and violence with them; they kill animals and people, sometimes without thinking!

Yes, I am very sick of all these illegal aliens who come to this country without papers, who get off the boat and don’t ask anybody for permission to land, who set up their houses and farms anywhere they want, even if it means destroying the way of life of the people who were there first!

“I say to all of them- go back home!

I say to all the Pilgrims and Puritans and other illegal aliens and all their descendants: Go back home to your own country!

To all the Germans, Italians, and Russians, I say the same thing: Go away!

We don’t want you here!!!”

P.S.  You may come back and apply for admission when your papers are in order!