In Memoriam

Columbine High School Shooting

April 20, 1999

(Idea borrowed from Dylan’s “Who Killed Davey Moore?”)

Who killed Columbine High?

And what’s the reason why?

Not I, says the NRA, clutching its money

We didn’t sell those kids their guns

We didn’t tell them to shoot to kill:

It wasn’t us, it was just God’s will!

Who killed Columbine High?

And what’s the reason why?

Not I, says the Entertainment Industry,

We didn’t mean for anyone to die

We just provide lots of fun for the eye

All those killings aren’t really real, you see!

We didn’t tell them to bomb and kill:

It wasn’t us, don’t send us the bloody bill!

Who killed Columbine High?

And what’s the reason why?

Not I, says the Video Game Maker,

We make it look real to lure more takers

There isn’t any harm in body-parts debris

Bloody video games make you feel free!

It wasn’t us who made them play those video games,

It wasn’t us who helped them kill thirteen names!

Who killed Columbine High?

And what’s the reason why?

Not I, says Columbine School, we’re no fools,

Those boys were sick, their minds were weird

We tried to help them and textbook educate

A fact they were never able to appreciate:

It wasn’t us who made them feel inferior

Pushed them down or tested them superior!

Who killed Columbine High?

And what’s the reason why?

Not I, says the busy News Media, spinning around,

Chasing their ghosts and accidents all over town

Along with other tales of gloom and horrible doom

To create dark despair that leaves no room;

It wasn’t us who goaded them, lured them,

Jeered them, or mentally asphyxiated them!

Who killed Columbine High?

And what’s the reason why?

Not I, says the boys’ parents, looking surprised,

Why, we didn’t raise them to behave like killers

We didn’t even know

They were hoarding those bombs away

We thought they were still young boys

Eager to play

It wasn’t us who showed them how to load

Or said it was awesome

When blood from bodies flowed!

Who killed Columbine High?

And what’s the reason why?

Not I, says the Police Department,

We can’t predict who will kill and who will not,

It’s all we can do to catch the felon after he’s fled

(Unless while in flight from a wound he’s bled)

It wasn’t us who taught them an eye for an eye,

It wasn’t us who said, fancy guns go buy!

Who killed Columbine High?

And what’s the reason why?

Not I, says the People in America,

Going to work, sitting at home,

Working and laughing and playing;

It’s not our job to police all those kids

Across the land

It’s not our job to keep these guns

Out of their grubby little hands!

Who killed Columbine High?

And what’s the reason why?

Not I . . .

Says the NRA

The Entertainment Industry,

The Video Game Maker,

Columbine High School,

The Busy News Media,

The Boys’ Parents,

The Police Department,

The People in America.

Who killed Columbine High?

And what’s the reason why?

It was I, says the NRA,

For easy access to weapons

Sooner or later

Will always lead to a bloody day

It was I, says the Entertainment Industry,

For a teenager can only see

So much blood and gore

Before it seeps into the brain

And invites a whole lot more!

It was I, says the Video Game Maker,

Dealing in death

We make lots of money

One million quarters a minute

With violent images that take away

Life and breath while monetizing

Images of deaths most grisly

It was I, says Columbine High,

With head held low

The boys were here but their troubled souls

We could not reach–

We spent thousands on books

But two boys we failed to teach.

It was I, says the busy News Media,

We peddle in death,

We give bloody murder

A whole lot of attention

For memory’s power of retention

Is aided by constant repetition

We give them all a name

These carnages, accidents,

And senseless slaughters;

We make of life and death

A bad joke and challenge

A kind of headliners’ game!

It was us, says the Boy’s Parents,

We are to blame–

We had killers in the house

And were blind as could be;

If we had searched our sons’ rooms

The thirteen dead might still be free.

It was I, says the Police Department,

Hanging their heads,

We should have known sooner

And should have done more;

We scolded them slightly

And punished them lightly!

It was I, says the People in America,

Beginning to cry

For our dear ones and dead ones

Screaming from Columbine High–

For all of those others listed above

Are merely reflections of us!

It was I, says the People in America,

This society we live in together

Is our home and our mirror

So check off “all of the above”

In their mighty multitudes of names

In all their many forms and games

For all of them are really us

As we are really all of them.

We failed as a people, as a nation, and a tribe;

We failed as an idea, a principle, and a creed;

We failed as a philosophy, a morality, and a thought;

We failed as a family, as relatives and friends;

We failed as human beings

We failed as individuals

We failed as fellow creatures

To create the necessary features

To prevent this awful tragedy!

We were gullible and fallible and foolish,

While we thought ourselves courageous,

Honest and brave;

We were vainglorious

In the midst

Of a single great tragedy!

We failed to make America safe

For ourselves and our Posterity

And we found out (too late)

That we really don’t know a thing

About the blood in our young people’s veins

When the pain begins to sing;

We found out we really don’t know

Our own reasons for failing at all–

Only that it’s time for “reassessment”

While we trembled witnessing the fall.

Who killed Columbine High?

And what’s the reason why?

Roger Rosenberg

May 2, 1999 �?�”R��