This fundamental attack on the welfare, tranquility, and living standards of the American people effectively abrogates the social contract between the people and their government.

The people themselves are sovereign.  Ultimately, the citizenry constitutes the body politic which grants to the government the right to govern.

This democratic principle was affirmed by no less a historical document than the Declaration of Independence.

The people may stand absolved of all responsibility to obey the laws of a government that no longer represents them and which fails to protect their basic rights and liberties.

Therefore, I hereby declare my allegiance null and void until such time as the government restores all of the people’s rights and liberties as granted them by the Declaration of Independence and the United States Constitution.

I will not yield the people’s sovereignty to a government that is no longer faithful to American democratic principles.

Until the government proves its intent of re-establishing our rights and defends our economic standard of living, this government cannot claim to represent me.

for the same reasons our founding fathers revolted against the arbitrary and capricious rule of England, the American people have every right to revolt and protest against this government and to establish a new one based on democratic principles.

We must not surrender the rights won by Americans of the revolutionary generation and reaffirmed by every new generation!

These rights are our most precious possession and we must let the world know that the American people will not endure indefinitely this weakening of their democracy and the constant lowering of their living standards!