Class, my name is Prof. Dumb-Ass.  I am your professor for this class in Political Science.  Today’s topic is the presidency of the current incumbent, Donald J. Trump.

Some of you no doubt think he is a stupid self-centered man but I’m here to tell you he’s actually quite brilliant.  (If you don’t believe  me, just ask him!)

The point is, anytime anybody who looks and sounds stupid manages to succeed in the real estate business, there’s got to be hidden smarts floating around.  You don’t become a billionaire by pinching pennies.

Ask yourself, how did somebody “dumb” win a presidential election?  Simple, he appealed to people by acting goofy!  People like clowns and goofballs.  They seem more like regular people, you know?

He also made friends with people who know what they’re doing when it comes to pulling strings behind the scenes, like Roy Moore in Alabama the 50th state of the Union and the first state ever trying to elect an accused pedophile to office.  What an honor for Alabama!

Remember what the president said in the Hollywood Tape about grabbing women by any part of their body and doing whatever you want with them?

Well, Roy Moore is like a Trump Disciple when it comes to meeting his own masculine needs.  He has no self-restraint which most people use to control their baser passions: a perfect Trump party pal.

If you get rich, if you touch the levers of power, then you think you can get away with anything.  Can you imagine a man molesting a female adolescent in any other circumstance and not being held to account?  Who but the rich and powerful can cover up such acts for so long?

Why in the South, if a black man had done to a white teenage girl what Mr. Moore is alleged to have done to white teenage girls, as soon as word got out–with or without proof–that black man would have died the same day.  You see?  No power, no wealth, means no justice.

In this case Mr. Moore’s life is safe because he’s not black and because he’s rich and because he’s powerful.  What he did is “okay” with many Republican voters in the state because as most people know Alabama has more first cousins marrying other first cousins than any other state . . . except maybe Mississippi.

The good people of Alabama will be hard-pressed to figure out if what Mr. Moore did offends them or whether sexual contact with underage girls is a minor idiosyncrasy one is willing to overlook. for the sake of party.

It’s also going to be okay because Mr. Moore can do what all pedophiles do: lie his ass off and try to obfuscate the way out of his predicament.  He will lie so much until his teeth hurt and he can barely recognize the difference between truth and the falsehoods he depends upon to obliterate it.

This is a very important strategy for all sexual abusers.  They make sure there’s a way to lie, defy, and deny should anybody ever get wind of what they have done.

There’s not one predator in a hundred who says “All right, you got me! I admit it, I touched her and groped her and assaulted her; I’m a predator who can’t control himself!”  Uh-uh, not them!

No, to hear them tell it, they can never understand why any female wishes to say mean things about them: “Who, little old me?  Heavens to Betsy, I would never do anything like that!”

This is a powerful well-prepared counter-offensive, especially intense when there’s only one accuser.  (Harvey Weinstein went so far as to hire Israeli “Mossad” agents to dig up dirt on his rapidly growing list of accusers!)

People in the know understand that 99 times out of 100 the woman is being truthful.  Still, when people see there’s only one accuser, the sexual abuser has a chance to work the crowd toward believing that maybe it’s really nothing more than a “he said/she said” stand-off.  You know, kind of like Clarence Thomas and Anita Hill or Bill Clinton and Monica Lewinsky (until the dress Monica was wearing proved “she said” was right and “he said” was wrong!)

Unfortunately for these addicted sexual abusers, this lie-and-deny tactic gets ever so much harder to pull off when there are four or five or six or more accusers, as is the case with Mr. Moore.  What a challenge!

Now he’s got to convince the crowd that used to love him that it’s all some kind of big mistake, that not only one woman is lying but all of them are!

“Bad” people in the news media made all this up . . . or the four or five or six or more women invented these stories for no reason . . . the whole world is out to get him.

Like any ordinary mutt of a scoundrel, he must invent a conspiracy theory to try and save himself!

Mr. Moore built up his fortune in the years since he used to indulge his urges—can he ever admit the truth if it means giving up his prestige and fame?  Men of weak character seldom come clean.

Good God, he is running for the U. S. Senate!  And from there–who knows?–perhaps he will run for the Presidency itself one day!!  (What are the odds of two sexual predators in a row inhabiting the White House as president?!)

And now Mr. Moore has got these four or six or eight troublesome women telling people what he did to them when they were teenage girls . . . that’s got to burn!  Those he abused and took advantage of, now come back to haunt him.

Ha ha, what delicious irony!  What else can he do but try to lie his way clear even as his credibility starts to shrink?  (Would you trust your daughter alone with him, or with any man against whom such accusations have been made?)

The high and mighty sexual predators always try to put on a big show like they’re the ones who should be offended: Mr. Roy Moore shouts “Fake News!”  Huh?  What does he think is happening, that the media invented his accusers?  That there’s a secret alchemy (known only to journalists and prosecutors) for conjuring up flesh-and-blood women to come forward with their stories of predatory sexual abuse at the hands of Roy Moore?

Fake what??!  Did Mr. Moore have fake biological urges to initiate sexual contact with underage females?  Did the president not say what he said on the Hollywood Access tape?  Did the media make up the words on that tape?

Did the media make up the accusations against Moore or did they simply report what women accused him of doing?

The only thing fake here is a missing heart for all such men with their fake morals and fake empathy.

Class, there’s a pattern emerging here, mark my words, or my name is not Professor Dumb-Ass.

Class dismissed!