It is not in the power of God or Nature to forget and bury the crimes of humanity’s past so completely as to say “they never happened.” The horrors did happen as God, Nature, and the Human Heart know all too well. And there is–as there must be— a price to pay now and in the future: a day of reckoning from which we cannot escape.
That day is coming, that day when Earth returns to balance or to oblivion—but that day is coming and that day is here. The crying, the pain, the blood, the murder—all must be paid for by an equal or greater sacrifice.
To purify the world, the culprit must be brought forward . . . [but who is there to bring forward when the culprit is really all of us?] and stripped of all the lies and weapons of death and foul-mouthed diseases of heart and mind.
Stripped of racism, stripped of fear, stripped of hatred: stripped of insanity, stripped of skin until the truth is seen—when that time comes, many will perish, and among the living will the evil ones be replaced by the righteous and the just.
And that day is coming, that day is now.