I greet the sun this morning

bird people and animal people of Yosemite

of Ah – wah – nee.


I greet the four directions:

East: birthplace of mother Earth, giver of Life;

North: bringer of the strong winds and storms, I greet thee;

South: Mother Earth, ancestors, home of the ancient spirits;

West: the happy spirit world in the El – o’ – win / far distant west

the trail to the Milky Way, the path our people take when they start their

final journey toward the home of the Great Spirit


I greet the Sun in the East and the rising of the dawn

This day be blessed, these people here and all the people of the Valley

of the Ah – wah – nee – chee in the mountain valley by the river near

the Falls of Cho’ – lok and Po – ho -no and the Ah – wah – nee Valley

home of the mighty U – zu – ma – ti . . . .

The shaman medicine man greets you and invites you to the Miwok

potluck today at the Ahwahnee Indian Village for . . . .

arts, crafts, food, song, dance, friendship and spiritual renewal.

Come and join us, please!

I, here, speak to you now of the need for love and friendship,

brotherhood and understanding.

You here today, hear me,

for I speak the words the medicine man would have me say . . .

These are the thoughts of those who love this place the best.

This is our home, Ahwahnee, Valley of the People.


You here, today, who hear me speak,

This promise is made to you.

You here today, are counted among the people of Ahwahnee, and you are

welcomed as friends and brothers and sisters–


Today is the day of the Big Time Pow Wow for Miwok people,

who have lived here for many many centuries . . .


Bless the animals: the squirrel Seeth-kill the blue jay the songbird

the blackbird and red-winged blackbird, the crow and the owl and the

peregrine falcon the raccoon the turtle frog fish from little Tu-tok-a-nu-la

to the deer, coyote, the black bear, and Uzumati


Bless the trees . . . the rocks . . . all living things . . .


Awake now, like the rising sun, and go forth with love in your heart and

peace in your soul.  Be as one with Mother Earth, and let Mother Earth

teach you her gentle ways, so that you may grow straight and tall like a

giant redwood Sequoia and like a true son and daughter of our People.

I have spoken.  Ho!


RR June 2003

Ahwahnee Valley