Scotland Free,

Now and Forever!


There’s a pride that goes beyond the name of fair trade, practicality, and the union of economic convenience—there is a pride rooted in the land, in Scottish soil, deeper than the deepest well of wealth, older than the oldest banks, more sacred than cash machines–

There is entrusted to us an honored, measured pride that has no price upon it—

a pride built up in equal measure by man and woman, adult and child, old and young alike / paid for by the blood of our honor’d warrior heroes gone “auld land syne” as Rabbie would sing, to their final place of resting–

a pride paid for by the countless generations of hard lives and sublime lovers raised in these hills and vales and dells;

interwoven with the land, inseparable from the land,

imperishable, invincible, and unvanquished in inner spirit!

A pride that defines and describes a unique people with the greatest heart and most generous soul of all the world’s peoples!

As for the coming Devolution, I vote “Aye!” not only for myself . . . but for all those hallow’d ancestors who gave their lives to make our Scottish independence viable!

Now is the time to let freedom ring!!