In regards to the death of American report James Foley by a knife-wielding member of ISIL, there are ten questions that need to be asked and answered:

  1. When and where was the trial, the legal proceeding, through which Mr. Foley was convicted and condemned to death?
  2. What was the name of the judge who presided over the proceedings?
  3. What was the specific nature of the charge(s) against him?
  4. Who was the prosecutor?
  5. Who were the witnesses who testified against him?
  6. Of what crime(s) was he convicted?
  7. What was the legally established appropriate punishment?
  8. Did James Foley have the right to defend himself: did he have the right to an attorney?
  9. Could he submit evidence and call witnesses on his own behalf?
  10. What appeal process was in place for a higher tribunal to review the fairness of the trial, weight of the evidence, and appropriateness of sentence?









James Foley 3


If James Foley was charged with a crime, he was entitled to a fair trial; let lawful proceedings and punishment take their course without resort to sham justice.   Without a trial and the right to defend himself, James Foley’s execution is nothing but an extra-legal [outside of the legal system] lynching, which we in America recognize all too readily. It is the same lynch mob mentality of the KKK terrorists. Those Muslims who had James Foley put to death are themselves guilty of murder, a far worse crime than anything he as a news reporter could possibly have committed!

Unprovoked and lethal acts of violence on the part of ISIL are completely contrary to the teachings of the Koran. They defy Allah. Even within the narrow confines of Islamic belief (without reference to international law) the violent acts of ISIL soldiers show them to be egotistically in contempt of the basic beliefs of their own religion as they violate the fundamental principles of Islam (and human rights) time and time again. This is not faith—this is organized murder by armed crusaders!!